Nice-sur-zoom/gather town: How to follow the digital version of Journées de Statistique?

This year, the "Journées de Statistique" will take place in a digital format.

However, there is no question of not taking advantage of quality conferences expertly programmed by Christophe Biernacki and moments of conviviality. For this, we will use the Zoom and Gather Town platforms.


Using zoom webminar:

All oral communications will take place through a webminar.

This means that only speakers, moderators and auditors will be able to share their screen and turn on their microphone and camera.

The other participants will be spectators and will be able to see the slides and hear the presentation. To interact, they will have a Q&A and the possibility of raising their hand to ask for talk.


  • to connect to the zoom rooms for sessions or conferences:

you have the possibility to click on the links which appears in the pdf program which was sent on Wednesday June 2 by email to all the participants (if you have not received the email, write to with the subject program no received.). Links are associated with underlined and bold expressions.



    • you can join a room from Gather Town (more details in the section on using Gather Town)



    • Once in the room, the spectators will only have the possibility to raise hand and write things into the char or Q&A



  • To interact, you have two possibilities
    •  Use Q&A: a device is opened where you can write your question and get a written answer



    • Raise your hand to ask to speak: You just have to click on the raise hand button and wait. As you can see in the image below, you will have to accept the speaking and then your microphone will be in the open position as evidenced by the symbol going to the left of your microphone.


At the end of your speaking session, administrators can mute your microphone and revoke your permission to speak.


Using Gather Town :

Warning: The use of gather town is not recommended on tablet and mobile phone because not all features are available.

In addition, the version available on Safari is only a beta version for which even the designers of Gather Town do not guarantee stability. It is therefore better to use Google Chrome or Firefox.



You receive a connection link in order to be able to connect to the space specially designed by Vincent Brault for the JdS.


To familiarize yourself with the features of Gather Town, you can watch the tutorial developed especially for you by Vincent Brault and of which here is the link.


Here is a summary.

When you arrive, you will have the possibility to choose your avatar, your camera and your microphone that you can activate or deactivate when you enter the map.



Once in the map, you can move around using the directional keys on your keyboard to go towards people or places.

To chat with people, you can use the chat or directly your microphone by approaching them.


A map is available on the central terminal just above the JdS poster while the other two offer you the program of the days.

From this reception hall, you can access:

  • at the SFdS stand where you will find various information on the association, how to join, and where you can discuss with Servane Bianciardi and Nathalie Regaud



  • at the stands of satellite events to register if space remains available



  • at the various plenary conference rooms



All you have to do is enter a room, go to a seat and click on the letter x on your keyboard.


A zoom link will appear to allow you to join the conference. At the end, you just have to click on the small cross at the top right to return to Gather Town



  • for parallel sessions, the principle will be the same; you just have to choose the room you want to go to, room materialized by the same color on the schedule and on the floor.



  • access meeting rooms from which rapid return to conference rooms is possible



  • access a room where different games await you



  • to conviviality lounges

In these spaces, you can take advantage of private spaces to chat with the only people who are in the same space materialized for example in the clear in the figure below:



  • to a garden and a beach







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